Saturday, August 06, 2005

OLOL! (Click pics to enlarge)

One of my favorite features, in the Sunday Advocate,is the Remember When picture. Here are a couple of Remember Whens, for you. The old Our Lady Of The Lake Hospital (top).
This was in the late-seventies and the new OLOL on Essen (bottom) had recently opened. The top picture was taken late at night, using floodlights on the State Capitol building, across the lake, for illumination. Kind of eeeeeeeeerie looking, isn't it? It is one of my all-time favorite pictures and was taken after work, one night, back in the days when I worked the 7pm to midnight shift at WJBO.

Trivia Question: Who pushed the button that ignited the dynamite and imploded the old OLOL tower?
A: Edwin Edwards. (I was there and videotaped it.)

This picture, of the new OLOL, on Essen, was taken from the WJBO/WFMF Skywatch plane from an altitude of about 1,500 feet around 1979.
With all that as built up around it, it is hard to see that building anymore, but it is still there.
I remember taking a media tour of the new hospital just before it opened. I wish I had some pictures of that.

Look at Essen Lane, it is nearly barren!. That was quickly becoming some expensive real estate.

Look closely (click pic to enlarge) and you can see Channel 33's studio just to the south (right) of the hospital.

Trivia Question: What were Channel 33's call-letters, in those days?
A: WRBT-TV. It stood for Rush Broadcasting Television, the original owner.
33 was, originally, an ABC affiliate. WBRZ was the NBC station, but they switched networks in 1978. Before 33 went on-the-air, WBRZ (NBC) and WAFB (CBS) shared ABC programming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the picture of the old OLOL. My Mom used to work there. I remember standing on the front seat (long before seat belts) of the car as my Dad and I went to pick her up. She also graduated nursing school from there.
Jim (Miller)

8/16/2005 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I currently work there. I wish Essen Lane was as barren was it was back them. Horrible traffic.

Joe (Miller) Kin to Jim

9/09/2005 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you don't talk liberal politics, you're my favorite radio personality in BR, because you are genuinely funny and quick witted. But, WHY do you go and spoil everything by always trying to get left of Matt? Anyway, its obvious to all that you love BR and thanks for entertaining me every morning

11/08/2005 08:20:00 AM  
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12/20/2009 06:06:00 AM  

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